Streamlined room reservation
Give teams an easy way to find space on the go, reserve the right meeting room & see live room availability.
Grab a room on the go
Live floor plans
Get a realtime birds-eye-view of occupied rooms in the office
Room finder
Use the Calven app to find the nearest available rooms for a meeting right now
Kiosk booking
Walk up and book rooms, right from kiosks and digital signage around the office
Scan to book
Add QR codes outside rooms to quickly book and see upcoming meetings
Book a space intelligently
Find the right day to meet
See who is working where when you book a meeting using the Outlook Add-in
See the best meeting rooms
Find the right size room based on in-person invitees, and filter for the amenities you need
Book for multi-site meetings
Overlay Calven working locations into Outlook to make sure you book the right rooms for those who plan to be in each office
Live occupancy
Meeting room occupancy count
Is that meeting room really free? See who’s booked it and whether it’s currently in use
See how busy the office is
Watch how busy your kitchen or communal spaces are by integrating occupancy sensors to show a live view
Find a phone booth in an instant
Have non-bookable spaces like phone booths? Use occupancy sensors to see what’s free right now for that upcoming call
Room booking integrations
Connect your existing systems to Calven and book easier than ever
Frequently Asked Questions

How does Calven make room booking easier?

Calven meets you where you already are to quickly book meeting rooms in a number of different ways. From the mobile app, from the webpage, from a kiosk, or from a QR code posted at the room. You can choose which methods to enable based on what works for you.

Do room bookings made in Calven sync back to Outlook and Google Calendar?

Calven plugs right into your existing process. We recommend you continue to book your meetings ahead of time in Outlook or GCal, and the Calven Outlook Add-in helps with this. Booking on the go solves for when you need a room “right now” and is difficult to find a suitable space.

Does Calven support phone booths, collaboration spaces and other un-bookable areas?

Yes, just connect an occupancy sensor in those spaces and Calven will show you the live occupancy data - so when you are running to make your call, you have an easy way to find an available spot.
Industry leaders use Calven to book rooms
Want to learn more?

Get in touch to enable better room scheduling