Enterprise-grade analytics
Calven's workplace intelligence helps you optimize spaces, reduce costs and evolve policies
Hybrid workforce insights
Compare planned office visits to actual behaviors
Review and compare planned office visits to the real presence data based on office sensors.
Protect individual privacy
Restrict attendance data to group views rather than individual data, to gather the insights you need while limiting reporting on individual employees.
Encourage collaboration
Tailor reports to provide valuable insights, such as identifying the days specific departments typically come into the office, to guide in-office planning and activities.
Better data, better insights
More accurate usage metrics
Collect presence data from multiple sources - badge swipes, network data, and sensors - and blend it together to provide the most accurate insights
Integrate real time directory data
As your organization grows and changes, Calven continuously synchronizes with your directory integrations, so your data is preserved accurately
Leave & PTO data for more accurate attendance
With leave integration to your HRIS, your attendance metrics accurately reflect time in office, excluding the leave time periods
Custom reporting
Work with our Calven data team to provide custom reports based on your exact data needs
Make informed real estate decisions
Calven’s space planning tools help you manage your space smarter than ever before. Assign groups to areas of the office and see how they fit during different attendance scenarios - based on actual attendance data. Never be caught off guard with capacity overflow, and seize opportunities to re-organize workspace allocations.
Optimize your office
Powerful reporting, out of the box
Understand how your employees are utilizing the office in depth - without building custom dashboards. See attendance, weekly attendance frequency, desk usage and more to help you visualize how your office is used
See when you're hitting capacity before it's a problem
Report on booking behaviors and amounts to understand when departments are almost full and need more space
Easily integrate real-world data
Integrate with building systems like badge readers and WiFi networks to determine when people are in the office. Start simply by uploading spreadsheets, use one of our built-in integrations - or leverage our APIs to connect
Industry leading workplaces use Calven for insights
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I integrate with other systems to utilize their data?

Yes, Calven has powerful APIs that you can use to integrate with badge systems, your network, sensors, or anything else for presence data. We also have Leave APIs that enable us to integrate with HRIS systems to provide more accurate reporting on time in office. You can view the API documentation here. Calven can also provide professional services to aid in building these integrations with you.

Do I need presence data in order to use analytics?

Calven uses presence data to create highly accurate insights that compare planned attendance and bookings with actual presence gathered from sensors, badge readers and WiFi networks. While presence makes your insights more accurate, booking data alone can still drive analytics for offices & co-working spaces without presence integrations set up.

Do I need to be a data analyst to understand Calven analytics?

Calven’s analytics metrics and dashboards are designed to be easily digestible and self-serve - with a simple interface and explanations behind each data point, the meaning behind your data should be comprehensible to everyone who has access.

How secure is my data with Calven?

Calven was built from the ground up as an enterprise solution - we take data privacy and securely very seriously. Calven is SOC2 Type II compliant and provides multiple hosting geographic hosting options based on your data residency needs. See our privacy and security page for more detail.
Want to learn more?

Contact us to get better insights for your office